SMR 안전정보 2024년 IAEA NHSI 총회 관련 자료
조회수 271

- IAEA NHSI 개요 및 실무그룹규제자트랙 활동 현황_20241015.pdf (159.5K) DOWNLOAD : 9
- 0. NHSI Annotated Agenda_3rd Plenary Meeting_21 October 2024.pdf (266.9K) DOWNLOAD : 6
- 1. NHSI 3rd Plenary Presentation.pdf (3.1M) DOWNLOAD : 6
- 2. NHRI RT Plenary Supporting Material Final.pdf (134.2K) DOWNLOAD : 4
- 3. NHSI WG2 - Multinational Prelicensing Review Tri-Fold.pdf (267.7K) DOWNLOAD : 4
- 4. Industry TG1 - Developing Generic User Recommendations.pdf (5.8M) DOWNLOAD : 4
- 5-1. Industry TG2 - Potential for Harmonization and Standardization in LLIs.pdf (5.8M) DOWNLOAD : 4
- 5-2. Industry TG2 - Why Non-Nuclear Codes and Standards Are Important for Harmonizing SMRs.pdf (9.2M) DOWNLOAD : 3
- 5-3. Industry TG2 - Why Serially Manufactured Industrial Products Are Crucial.pdf (5.2M) DOWNLOAD : 3
- 6. Industry TG3- Nextshare_brochure.pdf (2.0M) DOWNLOAD : 5
- 7. Industry TG4 - Assessing Infrastructure Development Issues.pdf (2.2M) DOWNLOAD : 5
- 8. NHSI Plenary Meeting 2024 Summary.pdf (209.0K) DOWNLOAD : 7
- 9. 2024-10-22 NHSI List of participants.pdf (821.5K) DOWNLOAD : 6